Are doTERRA Essential Oils Organic?
I’ve gotten asked this question many times. It’s because I’m surrounded by people who care what they put into their bodies. Everything we put onto our skin is absorbed into our bloodstream. Purity matters!
DoTERRA products and Essential Oils are not certified organic. Our oils are sourced from 46 different countries, many of them developing countries. The process to have oils certified organic is a very expensive process and in these Third World countries, this is simply not feasible. We choose to source from a plant’s native soil. We can grow lavender in Vermont, and it will have a lower linalool content than lavender grown in France and Bulgaria.
Our family puts high value into eating organic and food that is grown without harmful pesticides. Certified organic-only addresses how a plant is grown. It is not addressing any toxins that could be introduced in the transporting process as well as in the soil previous to being grown.
doTERRA Essential Oils are basically beyond organic because not only are we testing for impurities, we are also testing for any traces of heavy metals that may have been in the soil.
doTERRA takes it a step further and not only tests the oils for any impurities, but also for their effectiveness and potency. This is known as CPTG, certified, pure, tested grade essential oils
The CPTG quality testing process includes four main stages, consisting of 8 different methods of testing, to guarantee that every batch of doTERRA essential oil is free of impurities and unadulterated. The four stages of testing include essential oil chemistry, physical, contamination, and ongoing stability.
Throughout these four stages, here are the eight tests doTERRA uses to ensure essential oil purity:
1. Gas chromatography
2. Mass spectrometry
3. Chirality testing
4. Isotopic analysis
5. Organoleptic testing
6. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
7. Heavy metal testing 8. Microbial testing
Have you experienced the power of doTERRA Essential Oils? Share it with me and let’s connect!
kind words…
Hey Christy! I want to thank you. Before bed, Ellie was sounding congested and looked up at me and said, “mommy, I’m stuffy. Can you make it go away?” I started to say I wish I could, then stopped and said, “Yes! Yes, I can!” I went and got my Breathe oil. I put a little bit under her nose, on her neck and chest. Not 30 seconds later I could hear the difference and she said, “mommy, they’re gone! You’re the best!” You’ve given me tools to make my kids feel better and that’s all any parent ever wants. It felt so good to have the answer and be able to do that for her tonight. I’m so grateful to you!
– Julie Goodall, mother of 3 and owner of Genesis Consulting