Chiropractor Creates Freedom Lifestyle with a doTERRA Business

I’m Dr. Knut Feiker and I want to share with you a little bit about my journey into dōTERRA. I’m a chiropractor and have been passionate about natural healing and medicine for as long as I can remember. I wanted to make an impact in the world by helping people to live a healthy, natural lifestyle.

What happened for me, I don’t know if any of you have experienced this, but I was working hard to grow my practice AND I was working hard to be a good dad. We have four beautiful children and I wanted to spend as much time with them while they were young and I was finding it really difficult to do both well. My practice was growing strong every year and also I was spending less time with my kids and what I decided is that while they were young and while I was young, I wanted to give them the attention, love and time that felt right to me.

I started to incorporate plant medicine into my practice and I brought in essential oils and dōTERRA products and started to share these with patients and give them tools they could take home to heal and empower their families. Before I knew it, we had created a revenue source with our dōTERRA business that even surpassed my practice. I found a way that we could live our life by choosing our own direction and time that we wanted to put towards work and also put towards our family.

We moved to Vermont and bought a beautiful farmhouse. We live out on the land and it’s a life of freedom and helping others to live a healthy lifestyle. I’m so happy we have this opportunity. I want to share with some of you that might be out there looking for a change in your career, looking for a new opportunity and I’d love to talk with you about how to build a dōTERRA business. You can change your life and live a life of freedom too.

Are you looking into changing your life and making a difference to the world? Let’s connect!

kind words…


Hey Christy! I want to thank you. Before bed, Ellie was sounding congested and looked up at me and said, “mommy, I’m stuffy. Can you make it go away?” I started to say I wish I could, then stopped and said, “Yes! Yes, I can!” I went and got my Breathe oil. I put a little bit under her nose, on her neck and chest. Not 30 seconds later I could hear the difference and she said, “mommy, they’re gone! You’re the best!” You’ve given me tools to make my kids feel better and that’s all any parent ever wants. It felt so good to have the answer and be able to do that for her tonight. I’m so grateful to you!

– Julie Goodall, mother of 3 and owner of Genesis Consulting